5 Things to do Before Disaster Strikes — Cat Disaster Preparedness

September was National Preparedness Month. We didn’t write about it at the time — we got … Continue reading
September was National Preparedness Month. We didn’t write about it at the time — we got … Continue reading
Here we are on the fifth morning of daylight savings time. It’s 6 o’clock in the morning and still pitch black outside. Mom is a morning person so she’s already been up for more than an hour. She’s always the first one up, waking us up from our cozy, warm sleep. … Continue reading
OK, well, not really a new identity, just a new ID tag. Actually, I’ve had it for a while but I forgot to tell you about it. Back when we knew we were moving and mom wanted me to start going places with her, she got me … Continue reading
Boy, mom is really taking this “safe while traveling” thing pretty seriously. A few days ago, she made sure my microchip information was all recorded properly and up to date. Yesterday, I got a new collar. Really, is this necessary? The collar felt weird at first too, like the harness, … Continue reading