Wordless Wednesday: BlogPaws Swag

Oh, something smells soooo good!
Chrisry Paws
This is a blog hop. Click on the badge to see … Continue reading
Oh, something smells soooo good!
Chrisry Paws
This is a blog hop. Click on the badge to see … Continue reading
Whew! What a wild week. I don’t even know where to start so I guess I’ll just start at the beginning!
Some of you probably know that mom wanted to take me to BlogPaws last year but she felt she didn’t get me out enough, then I had that Continue reading
Oh my cat, everyone! This is definitely not a post I expected to be writing. I am so excited to announce that one of the photos on my blog has been selected as a finalist in the BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Awards. The winners will be announced at the awards banquet at … Continue reading
It has been warm and sunny here and the doors and windows have been open a lot. Mom says that means spring is here. She has been working outside a little, getting the herb garden cleaned up and starting to re-pot the potted plants that survived the winter. She cleaned … Continue reading
Hi friends and furiends! I’m so glad to be here today. It’s been really quiet around here for us kitties. Mom has been so busy that I haven’t been on any adventures and she hasn’t even spent much time playing with us. Don’t feel sorry for us, though. We’ve still … Continue reading
Good morning my dear friends and furiends! I haven’t been around much lately and I feel like a terrible furiend, but my typist has been very busy. She even told me she has had to rethink things about my blog. You see, when we started this blog, mom was recovering … Continue reading