There’s Something Fishy About These Treats! — #Delightibles

Disclaimer:  As a True Science ambassador, I receive free products and am compensated for sharing information about True Science and its products. My opinions are my own and I only share information that I feel is relevant to my readers. True Science is not responsible for the content of this post.

My Facebook post about my True Science Ambassador box

My Facebook post

When my True Science Ambassador box arrived at the beginning of the month, I had to tell my Facebook friends because I was so excited that I would be able to share a review of my very favorite treats — Delightibles Wild Country Meats.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I love the regular Delightibles, you can read my review here, but the Wild Country Meats drive me, well, WILD! When mom opens the bag, we all come running, talking up a storm. I don’t know what it is about these treats, but they are just so yummy. I think I especially like that they are soft and chewy.

Mom used Delightibles to teach me to sit, stay, and sit up when she is doing photo shoots. When she set up this shoot, she was a little concerned because there were a lot of props that would get messed up if I moved around. Well, let me tell you, when she put me in the middle of the set and said sit and stay, I did just that! I got treat after treat as I sat there for more than 20 minutes posing for that camera.

Christy and her Delightibles Halloween photo shoot set

Is this what you want, mom?

I knew we were doing a photo shoot but where were the Delightibles?

Christy looking up at Delightibles gourmet cat treats

Oh, there they are!

Mom had to close Echo and Ocean out of the room while we did the shoot because they wouldn’t leave her alone. They wanted treats too. Mom did make it up to them afterwards.

Christy looking at her Delightibles Wild Country Meats

Finally, I got to get into the Wild Country Meats

So, what’s so fishy about these treats? All the Delightibles I received this time are fish flavors. I got Delightibles Gourmet Cat Treats in salmon and tuna flavor and Delightibles Wild Country Meats in chicken & tuna flavor, purrfect for finicky felines who crave fishy flavors.

Christy licking her chops

Oh, so good!

Mom gets a kick out of it that we love these treats so much and chuckles at how excited we get about them. She likes it that they are made in the US from US sourced ingredients. She especially likes that Wild Country Meats are 100% grain free, contain no meat by-products and use natural antioxidants.

#Delightibles Wild Country Meats - 100% grain free - no meat by-products. Share on X

I was being so cooperative during the photo shoot that mom decided to push her luck with the treats. She tried to get me to be still while she put that witch costume on me! Can you believe it? I love Delightibles but I had to draw the line at that!

Attempting to wear the witch costume
Costume 2
Costume 3
Costume 4

Mom got a couple of quick shots before I was out of there!

Mom says I should tell you that you can purchase Delightibles at Walmart, Kmart and Meijer. They are also available online at You can learn more about Delightibles on their website at

Wishing you a Delightibles kind of day.

Christy Paws

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17 Responses to There’s Something Fishy About These Treats! — #Delightibles

  1. Pingback: Sticking with Delightibles -- Wild Country Meat Sticks, That Is!

  2. Pingback: Do you have to perform tricks for treats? - Christy Paws

  3. Chrissy says:

    What a cute photo shoot! Cats are so fun to watch and you captured some perfect moments. I’m always looking for new treats for my cat- I’ll have to give these a try!

  4. My word Christie. You are so beautiful and those photo shoots are magnificent. You must keep your strength up to model so well. Good going my friend.


  5. Pingback: Whiskers Wednesday - Who has the best whiskers?

  6. Ellen Pilch says:

    Great review, I love the photo of you licking your lips 🙂 I need to get my kitties some of these.

  7. I love the Wild Country Meats too, Christy. The boycats here didn’t care for them so much. And I say…GREAT! More meats for me! ~Zoey

  8. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    christy….uh………we see BURDZ….ya noe…..even for treetz tastin like fish…….we iz prette sure we wood knot poze with…BURDZ ~~~~~~



  9. Gweat foto shoot Christy and gweat review. We finally got summ of da regular delightables to twy and…well let’s just say, not our favowits. Weez awe purretty spoiled to da fureeze dwied variety of just plain ole chunks of white meat. MOL Oh well, dat’s what makes it innerestin’ isn’t it.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  10. We like that they’re grain-free, too!

  11. I definitely need to pick up some of those treats the next time I go to Walmart!

    By the way…you photo shoot pictures are fantastic!!!

  12. Charles Huss says:

    The life of a supermodel must be rough. Do the have crunchy treats? Chris doesn’t like chewey so much.

  13. Summer says:

    Those really do sound tasty! Binga has to be locked out of the room pretty often while I do photo sessions too. If you don’t see her, she is probably in another room.