Adopt Buddy — A-PAL Humane Society

I wish that Buddy’s story was unique but it’s not. He is an owner surrender. … Continue reading
I wish that Buddy’s story was unique but it’s not. He is an owner surrender. … Continue reading
Ocean was so sweet to mom the other night, she told him he could do this week’s Sunday selfie. Of the three of us, he spends the least time with her. Most of the time, when he does try to cuddle with her, he wants to make biscuits all the … Continue reading
Mom thought she had a great idea for today’s Caturday Art. Since she has several photo apps, she thought she would take the same photo into each app, apply the same effect and compare them.
First, she took this adorable photo of me (she could have at least told me … Continue reading
Flower Puss is luckier than a lot of feral cats. She and three other feral females were trapped five years ago. They were all spayed and have been living at an auto center ever since as barn cats. The person who has cared for them all these years has decided … Continue reading
I missed Caturday Art yesterday so I thought I’d give you an artsy fartsy selfie today.
As you may recall, mom doesn’t make the best choices when it comes to bringing gifts to us when she goes places. When she went to a big craft show in Sacramento she brought me a harness and when she went to her Continue reading
A few days ago, I noticed a flood of photos on Instagram that looked like paintings. Of course, mom had to know the source and, with a little snooping of hashtags, she found a new app called SuperPhoto. She spent hours fiddling with different filters.
She’s not a fan of … Continue reading