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The Making of Flat Me

When we decided I was not going to go to BlogPaws, mom was sad because so many other kitties would be there and she wanted me to be with her. But I was very slow to take to the harness and mom wasn’t very consistent with my training. I went … Continue reading
Sunday Selfies: Echo’s Birthday

Today is a special selfie Sunday for us. It is the day that mom guestimated for Echo’s birthday and he is six years old today. Although he and Ocean annoy the heck out of me sometimes, he can be pretty sweet for a mancat and … Continue reading
Caturday Art: Helwig Sunset
Every Friday night during the warmer months, Helwig Winery puts on Helwig at Dusk. They have live music, dancing, food, and of course, wine. They have a fabulous view with amazing sunsets. Last night was no exception. Mom went with her friend Kelly and some other friends and took this … Continue reading
BlogPaws Conference Preparation
Wordless Wednesday: BlogPaws Nashville — Flat Me to Be
What kind of shenanigans does mom have planned for BlogPaws Nashville? This is my flat me to be so that I can be there in spirit!
Sunday Selfies: Lazy Sunday
It is time for selfies again with The Cat on my Head. Mom said she’d like to see a really nice selfie of me today so she was holding the camera quite a ways away from me. She said I would be in good focus if she did that. … Continue reading
Caturday Art: Purple Clouds

Lots of layers and tinkering with this one in Photoshop Elements. I thought a straw hat would have been cute so I could join some of my blogging friends but mom said, “Maybe another time.” I think I will hold her to that. She has never put a Photoshop hat … Continue reading