Caturday Art: Uninspired

When mom got up this morning, she told me she had absolutely no idea what she was going to do for Caturday Art … Continue reading
When mom got up this morning, she told me she had absolutely no idea what she was going to do for Caturday Art … Continue reading
Perhaps you saw my post last week about Rare Occasions. This is a prefect example of what usually happens when the boys get near me.
A couple of mornings ago, I was sitting in the window, half dozing, just enjoying the marvelous warmth of the sun.
Ocean is such a ham. He is always in mom’s face when she brings out the camera.
Christy Paws
This is a blog hop. … Continue reading
It is Caturday and that means it is time for Caturday Art. This Caturday is also Valentine’s Day so it is a special day. Mom is traveling today but she will be home later and we will all share lots of snuggles and purrs.
This Valentine card started in Photoshop … Continue reading
When we lived in southern California, Echo, Ocean and I were all pretty mellow. We are adults, after all. We almost
Mom has done it again. She has gone off and left us alone and we miss her already! At least this time it is only for a few days and aunt Kelly will be taking good care of us.