No White Christmas

When we woke up this morning, there was white stuff all over our lawn. Mom says it is not … Continue reading
When we woke up this morning, there was white stuff all over our lawn. Mom says it is not … Continue reading
Echo loves Bugsy and Ocean loves the foil crinkle balls.
Wishing you a playful and happy Christmas Eve!
This is a … Continue reading
So, it’s Sunday again and time for selfies. Some Sundays I’m up for this but not today. I was peacefully napping in my favorite spot when along came mom. Mom kept sticking the phone in my face and I kept kicking it away. I took this one with my back … Continue reading
Today’s project is doing double duty. It is our Caturday Art submission as well as our online Christmas card. It was all done in Photoshop Elements with multiple steps and multiple layers but nothing spectacular.
Mom wants me to write a post about cat litter. Cat litter? Really? It seems to be important to her so I agreed.
This all came about because mom loves to garden. The condo we lived in had no room for a garden but mom still always had a few … Continue reading
I took my selfies before dawn this morning. Mom was dozing off after checking emails on her phone so I grabbed it. The photos are a little dark because I don’t know how to turn on the flashy. I don’t like it anyway so it is just as well. As … Continue reading