Almost Labor Day Sunday Selfies

Tomorrow is Labor Day and even though this is the sixth Labor Day I’ve been around for, I wasn’t sure exactly what it is all … Continue reading
Tomorrow is Labor Day and even though this is the sixth Labor Day I’ve been around for, I wasn’t sure exactly what it is all … Continue reading
Ocean and I worked really hard on our selfies this week and I think we did a pretty good job. Ocean’s is in better focus than mine but at least we are both looking at the camera– well, mostly.
Echo was sleeping in the back bedroom and did not want … Continue reading
Mom was out of town for a couple of days and cheated on me with other kitties! Can you believe it? They are pretty cute though and she said they were so friendly she let them do a few selfies.
Jackie … Continue reading
Well, once again mom has let me down. I had a plan for today’s selfie and it just didn’t work out. I will have to save it for next week and hope mom doesn’t mess it up again. So, instead, I decided to do a “moving selfie.” Hope you enjoy … Continue reading
I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date! But I’m here now. Mom hasn’t been feeling so great today so I just took my selfies tonight.
Sunday is always our day for selfies. Read on to see what else we have going on today. It’s a mixed bag.
Yesterday afternoon, I was enjoying a wonderful little snooze on with mom.