When we came to live with mom in 2009, we were all fosters. Back then, the rescue didn’t estimate actual birthdays, only months, so none of us had even guestimated birthdays. And, in the beginning, mom didn’t keep a record of the date a kitty came to live with her while waiting for a permanent home. And, what’s even worse is, she didn’t keep a record of the date she officially adopted us.
What’s up with that? I guess back then she just didn’t think it would matter. Since I have started blogging, we see other kitties celebrating their special days and mom thought it would be nice for us to have days to celebrate. So…
Thanks to technology, mom does know the date each of us came to live with her because she photographed us all the first day and the photos are date and time stamped. Even though she didn’t officially adopt us for a few weeks after each of us came, she has decided to use the date we came to live with her as our Gotcha Days.
She has also guestimated birthdays for each of us. Echo was about six weeks old when he came on July 5th so mom gave him a birth date of May 24th. Ocean was about five weeks old when he came on July 11th so his birth date is June 6th. I didn’t come to the house until September 14th. I was in the hospital with my broken leg for a while after I was rescued from the shelter on August 19th. At that time, I was about six or seven weeks so mom thought July 4th was the best birthday a kitty could have.
The point of all this? I think mom just wanted to get all this straight in her head (and on paper for a change) so she could figure out when to have our big celebration. Since my birthday is in July and Echo and Ocean have gotcha days in July, we will have a big celebration on the 4th with maybe our first (could be second, but that’s another story) giveaway! We haven’t decided what it will be yet, but I hope mom makes it special.
I’m excited about doing my first giveaway and hope you will all come visit and join in the fun.
Have a splendid day!
Christy Paws
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Pingback: Ocean Celebrates his Birthday with Fresh Catnip
Pingback: Sunday Selfies: Echo's Birthday - Christy Paws
Oh this is Great,I’ll be able to stop by but only just as Mum and dad are going away the next day,xx Speedy
Yippee fur yur Mumma figurin out birthdayss an gotcha dayss..thiss iss pawsum

Mee Ladymum not know mee xact birthday onlee that mee was born after June 1st an 2nd. When mee came to her Decemburr 9th shee thott makin mee birfday June 9th wood bee purrfect….clevurr issn’t shee Christy???
***paw kissess*** Siddhartha Henry
Mom had to guesstimate our birthdays too. The only thing she knows for certain is our Gotcha Dates and she didn’t really keep track of Boo,Ping and Jinx because she didn’t know what she was doing then and they just kinda adopted us. The saddest thing is she knows with the utmost certainty when we left for the RB.
Yes,I imagine those leavings are hard for the humans to forget.
We absolutely adore your baby photos. Some of our birthdates are guesstimates as well. We’ll be here to celebrate on July 4th. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Goodness it is hard..i have guessed with Pickles as i rescued her..but i was so busy with fosters i lost track of lots of birthdays,..and i am way behind in sharing them on their blogs..i may be in the pooper house
….look forward to the big day sweeties
xxloves Fozziemum xx
We all have estimated or chosen birthdays. You were both such tiny, cute kitties.
That’s a great idea! We’re the same here and have a quiet celebration at the end of every April even though a couple of us were born in June. Hope you have a special wonderful day!
Christie, wes does that at our house too. Mommy and Daddy has NO IDEA what my gottcha day is, other than it was “before summer and after February”. Mes was so tiny and malnourished we only knew that me was over a year old because Daddy had meeted me more than a year before they gots me. (A furrend had been my first owners- Mommy and Daddy is my 3rd owners). The vet and Mommy pulled May 15, 1998 out of the air for my birthday. Kozmo and his litter mates was found in a plastic bag hanging on a pet store door one morning and by the size, his birthday is September 25th and his Gottcha day is December 23, Jo Jo, Daddy gotted her at a farm market – she was 5 weeks old and he gotted her the last Friday of July so her birthday is June 15th. all of our birthdays has been chosen for us and yous knows, wes would not has it any other way. And picking one day for a really big pawty is a excellent idea!!! Mommy wishes she had thinked of that!
Your Mom went through a lot of work! That is pawsome that she got it all figured out
Can’t wait!
That’s going to be some pawty!! I’m glad your mom worked out your dates!! xx
I am glad your Mom figured out your gotcha dates and b’days. The most important thing is she adoppted you into your forever home full of love
Poor baby with the broken leg, that photo is so sad.
We can’t wait! We are SO going to enter!
We can’t wait to celebrate with all of you! Only Wally knows his exact birthdate. Me and Zoey only know our Gotcha Days…and honestly, when we became Island Cats, that was the best day of our lives.
I know exactly what you mean!
That sounds great ! Purrs
What totally adorable babies you all were – and just look at you now! We had to guesstimate my birthday too as nobody knew at the shelter and Mom and Dad were too excited to notice what exact day they adopted me because I was so adorable who notices days of the week???!!! HAHAHAHA Anyway the 4th of July is a wonderful day to celebrate ANYTHING!
Hugs, Sammy
sounds pawtastic!
How cool you will be having a big party!
christy, ocean & echo….we will glad lee come ta yur parteez N if ya knead any help in de food a bullz area, pleez give uz a weekz heads up N we will due sum extree fishin N make sure it getz two ewe in time for de partee !!! echo….we haza cargo load oh fresh flounder headed yur way rite now…shuld be ther by de 22nd with de tides !! ♥♥♥
I like the way you figured out the Gotcha Days and birthdays….much the same way mom did it for me. I was a shelter girl myself
We wuldn’t miss yous pawties fur anyfin’ in da world. But let me warn ya’ dat we might be pullin’ in to da pawty station a bit late. As you know mommy dusn’t seem to be on da ball lately. MOL But we luv y’all and wanna share in yous special mumffs. Cuz you know we celebwate those special days all mumff long. By da way y’all awe so cute and adowable.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi