Wordless Wednesday: Flower Power
This is a blog hop. Click on the badge to see more entries or join in the fun.
This is a blog hop. Click on the badge to see more entries or join in the fun.
Mom started with this photo of Echo and Ocean that she had already used for my Facebook page and added a reflection in Photoshop Elements. She increased the canvass size and added a new layer to add the black frame. Then it took a trip to piZap to add the border.
Here we are on the fifth morning of daylight savings time. It’s 6 o’clock in the morning and still pitch black outside. Mom is a morning person so she’s already been up for more than an hour. She’s always the first one up, waking us up from our cozy, warm sleep. … Continue reading
This is a blog hop. Click on the badge to see more entries or join in the … Continue reading
Ocean was sitting in mom’s lap on a sunny afternoon. Mom really liked the way the pink in her shirt reflected on Ocean’s fur and in his eyes.
Boy, nothing like coming in under the wire. Mom couldn’t get her creative juices flowing this morning then time got away and she had chores — exciting things like going to the dump! She did get some fun in with a trail ride.
So here’s what she finally came up with … Continue reading
Is your human a toy gadget freak? My mom is. She loves office stuff and kitchen gadgets. She says they are things to help her be more productive but I think they are toys.
Before she retired, she got lots more office stuff than kitchen gadgets. Colored pens and paper, various kinds of … Continue reading