We Did It!

Whew! We finished the Blogging from A to Z Challenge yesterday. We had a … Continue reading
Whew! We finished the Blogging from A to Z Challenge yesterday. We had a … Continue reading
Yes, indeed, X is a tough letter. There are quite a few X words but most are of the scientific variety. We pulled out the
What is a whirling Dervish, you ask? Well, way back when mom shot this video of a former foster kitten and wanted to title it Whirling
Boy, are we ever behind! You know how some days just don’t go right? Well, yesterday was one of those days — and today seems to be following right along. Mom was about to post the art she did for today and suddenly realized it was not what she had … Continue reading
Whenever mom goes into the bathroom, I have to follow her. I must jump into the bathtub to be sure there is nothing hiding in there to hurt her.
It’s also a great place to be when the boys come sauntering in. They are never ready for me!
Have a … Continue reading
Mom and I had something totally different planned for S for the Blogging from A-Z Challenge but ran out of time. We are sending you this wish instead.