Happy Monday, Everyone! I told you I would tell you today the results of the comment-a-thon for A-Pal Humane Society on my blogoversary post. First, mom and I want to say thank you for all the kind words. I did not reply to each comment individually as I wanted to make it easy for
old mom to be able to know how many comments there are. Even though that was the plan, I forgot and replied to one and there was a reply to that. Bottom line is, there were
So what’s in store for my second year of blogging?
- Along with Dezi from Dezizworld, I’ll be telling you about the ongoing travels of our flats, Izzy and Tristy
- Mom wants me to do more educational posts about the things that are important to
herus:- Raw feeding
- Cat health and nutrition in general
- Catification
- I plan to get more involved with A-Pal Humane Society as their Advo-CAT
- I will begin doing reviews in September
- I, Christy Paws, plan to personally attend the BlogPaws 2016 conference in Phoenix, AZ
Since last year had so many unexpected events and experiences, I’m sure there will be even more in store for the upcoming year than I anticipate. I am so looking forward to it and for you all to come along with me on the journey. I am so happy and grateful that you shared the past year with me.
Have a super, pawsome Monday!
Christy Paws
Hurrah fr raisin $50. fur yur Shelter Christy an lady Ava!!! Yur both pawsum!
**Hi-5’ss** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=
What a great resonse you got to your comment-a-thon. Here’s to a great second year blogging. *takes a sip of nip tea*
Pawsome that you got so many comments !
Cheers for many many more years of blogging 🙂
You are going to be very busy this year! Those sound like pawtastic goals for sure. Mommy can’t wait to meet you at Blogpaws (and see your mom again, of course.) This made me think about goals for my blog.
Woohoo! That’s PAWSOME! Here’s to many more years of blogging! We look forward to more of your wonderful posts. 🙂 Kitty hugs, Roxy & Tigerlino <3
Here’s to YEAR TWO of fun!
Hugs, Sammy
Sounds like you have an ambitious year planned. Catification – we like that!
What a great year you have ahead of you! A-Pal is going to be so excited! Hope you have a great week!
Concatulations on an awesome commenthon – and I’m so excited I will get to meet you at BlogPaws next year!
What a most excellent donation yous guys made! Mes sure A Pal Humane Society will puts it to great use!
PS Don’t forgets to enter the finish the sentence game!
I’m sure the A-Pal Humane Society will really appreciate your donation! We look forward to sharing another year with you as you continue to blog.
Dat’s a pawsome donayshun!
What a great donation! We look forward to your second year of blogging. Sounds like you have a lot of fun things planned.
Congratulations on getting through your first year. I look forward to reading your educational posts.
guys…total lee awesum oh yur mom & ewe ta give up green paperz like thiz…conga ratz ona success full comment a thon…we look for werd ta yeer two with everee one ~~ ♥♥♥
should be a pawesome ride!!!
That is wonderful about the donation!
That is a very generous donation, Christy. Sometimes it works out well when the humans aren’t any good at sums!! MOL It looks like you have your blogging very organised, which is very impressive! xoxox
I am looking forward to learning more about you Christy and your extended family as you begin you second year of blogging.
Best of Luck,
Scout Charles
That is nice of your Mom to make such a big donation. Here’s to many, many more years of blogging.
Sounds like pawsum fings in store Christy. We can’t wait. And weez not know how long weez’ll be twavellin’ fur but weez on our way to Andy’s now. This is gunna be so much fun!!!! WooHoo Have a pawsum day.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi