I teased you a little yesterday with my selfies but it really wasn’t that hard to guess where I was. Most of you figured out that I was getting more car time in preparation for my trip to the BlogPaws conference in June. Mom had errands and it was a beautiful, sunny day — purrfect for a family outing. Well, not the whole family.
As you may remember, I haven’t been that happy riding in the car. Mom thought maybe it was the carrier I didn’t like so she had decided to try the larger carrier that I rode in on the trip up from Southern California. I thought maybe she was right so we gave it a shot. Well, that didn’t seem to make any difference either. Maybe I just like to sing! I sang, perhaps a little less wholeheartedly than before, but sing I did. I keep trying to convince mom that I’d be just fine if she let me stay out of the carrier while she drives but she says that is just not going to happen.
Mom made a couple of quick stops to take care of her errands while I stayed in the car. Don’t worry. It was quite cool out and comfy in the car. And even though it was cool, mom made sure she parked in the shade.
On the way home, we stopped at a vista point on the highway. Mom opened the carrier and let me out into the car! I was so excited. I wanted to do my selfies in the car but I just couldn’t be still. I rubbed on everything, over and over.
Other people stopped at the vista point and got out of their car. That scared me a little at first but then I watched them.
Have a beautiful day.
Christy Paws
Christy, I just read your About page since this is my first visit to your blog. I see that you’re a kitty from MeoowzResQ! What a small world. I used to volunteer with that group and still have contact with some of their volunteers. 🙂 I see you’ve relocated to No. Cal. I hope you’re enjoying life up there! Maybe I will meet you at BlogPaws this year!
You’re not the only one, my cat also hates cars! It’s awesome that you are getting used to longer car rides so that you can go to Blogpaws!
OMC, I hate cars. They are noisy. Carriers, I hate them also, for me it’s not the best combination.
My trip to the eye-vet in another city I still remember, mom gave me something so I was groggy but I still fought like a panther, I didn’t want to get in my carrier, and I let them know that I disliked it by singing the song of our people.
I think you a very brave girl!
Looks like you were very brave on your latest outing.
You are sooo brave!
Have a super weekend…
Noodle and crew
Dat’s pawsum Christy. We’s so purroud of you. Car ridin’ is gweat and lookin’ out at everythin’ is even better. Mommy sez we have to be honest and tell ya’ dat altho’ we strapped in via our leashes and safety belts, we aren’t confined to da carrier most of da time when we go fur rides. As you saw in our fotos from our BlogPaws trup last year, when we rode in da backseat with awnty Tonya, we weren’t even strapped in. But other than goin’ to da pawdee box we just sit in our spots and nap or look outside. But dat was cuz mommy wasn’t drivin’ and had boff hands to take care of us ifin need be. Good luck.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Awesome job, Christy! You’re doing so, so well!
You are doing an amazing job and getting used to travel! I think that you will really enjoy it when you can go through the aisles of the pet store and paw at everything. There is nothing wrong with singing in the car. Lots of humans do it! 🙂
My cats also hates to be locked in a carrier, so when I take Arthur with me, I let him out and he sits above the back seat and admires the landscape ! He doesn’t say a meow, but in the carrier he sings operas !
Woo Hoo Christy!!!!! Pawsum newss mee furend!! mee finks a few more car rides an you will bee ready to take on thee werld!!!!!
The Vista place iss luvley! White is the new geen here, mew mew mew…
***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxx
That is a HUGE deal, Christy! Paws up for being so brave.
My momma ALWAYS sings along wif da music in da car – maybe dat’s what you’re doing. MOL!
Mom threatened to sing with me today!
OH well done you!!! WeLL DONE what an achievement – out in the cat and being brave. Attagirl!!!!!
Vista Point looks like a really pretty place. You’re doing great, Christy, and befor you know it, you’ll be a pro at being in the car.
Yes, you are- it will be easier for you to pick the toys you want with the carrier open.
Wow Christy, that is a big deal. So glad that you got to get out and go on an excursion. Love Andy
How wonderful! My cats are all singers in the car, too. But then again, some of them sing all the time, even when they’re stationary. They have opinions, and they want to share them!
But anyway, glad to hear the acclimation is going well. Baby steps, but they’re all good!
Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie
Bravo! You really done good!!!
I think that sounds like a fun excursion!
christy …ewe R way braver N any oh uz coz even for TROUT ….we due knot like goin sum place in de car…..
de carz all fine & well, if itz knot moovin….once it starts ta moove….forget it ~~~~
purrhapz if ewe noe yur goin two de pet store…de car ride willna bee sew bad…what cha think !! ♥♥♥
Well done, Christy, that’s a very big step indeed ! Purrs
A very big step. Impressive
Shame on my iPawd auto write! I meant ” you are doing great”
Mom says auto-correct comes up with some funny things sometimes!
You are doso no great and Mom L hopes to meet you in Phoenix