Mom’s friend, Kelly, who lives next door, has a cousin who raises goats. In the spring, mom got to go see them shortly after most of the babies were born. She took lots of pictures which she forgot to do anything with. Since there have been lots of guest posters on Sunday Selfies, mom thought you might like to see some of these goats and the babies this week. The good thing about this? I didn’t have to do selfies this week.
Here’s Ms. Goat’s Sunday selfie.
I’ve never met a goat in person but these things look kind of cute. Here are some moms and lots of babies.
Is Tocktober just for cats? If so, it shouldn’t be. Look at all those adorable tocks!
If you missed yesterday’s post, click on over to see selfies of Dancer and Sequoia with Flat Andy.
Have a great Sunday!
Christy Paws
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Aaaaaaw Da goats sure awe cute. Have a pawsum day.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
These goats are so adorable! When I was little I also had a neighbors who cat goats and cows and I loved when new babies were born. Nothing cuter than a baby animal!
The baby goats are so cute! My dad had a couple of goats for a little while.
Adorable selfie of the goats, Christy, and the tocks just made our Tocktober Pawkisses for a wonderful week ahead <3
Hiya Goat Mommy! You gots sum purrtee babies…
Purrz from Gypsy who am still a baby boy…
dat gotted lost but now am founded.
Bwwwah!! those goats really have the “selfie” thing down pat!
I loved seeing the goats today! Thanks for sharing them.
Those are the first goat selfies I’ve ever seen.
Very cute goats.
What cuties those goats are!
OUr Mom and Dad love goats, too. They are so cute!
Aw, we love seeing the goats. They’re good at doing selfies. And no, ‘Tocktober isn’t just for cats, so we love seeing goat ‘tocks.
Well…he’s no kitty cat but he’ll do in a pinch…
(it is a nice selfie…)
Noodle and crew
I’ve never met a goat, Christy!! I hear they eat EVERYTHING!!!! These ones look very cute, though!! Great pics xxx
Those goat kidss are adoorabull…..An Mumma lookss so proud! Grate selfie Mumma Gee…..
**nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xxx
Cool Christie! Those baby goats are some cute.
Those goats are so sweet looking. Adorable.
Those baby goats do have some super cute tocks. Mom says she has never seen brown and white spotted goats before and is wondering if they are a special breed. Thanks for sharing these cute kids and their mommies with us today. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Mom thinks they are Boer goats but couldn’t remember for sure so we didn’t put it in.