Mom and I have been trying to get this post up all week. It was originally planned for Monday but it has been a busy, crazy week. Well, busy for mom. I’ve been doing a lot of sleeping. The weather has been cool and dreary so purrfect for napping. Besides trying to get ready for BlogPaws, mom has had a lot of pet sitting going on this week, including three overnighters. Yes, she totally abandoned us for a couple of woofies for three nights!
To help her get prepared for the BlogPaws Conference in Nashville, mom has been reading everything she can about what to expect and what to bring. There have been lots of great posts written about these things. She’s a big fan of lists so has been gleaning things from all the lists she has seen. Aimee, over at Irresistible Pets, wrote a great post about her Top Ten Blog Conference Must Haves. There are several posts with packing lists and other helpful hints. There is lots of great information for any conference, not just BlogPaws, at the links listed below.
Here are our three favorite things we learned about and would have had no clue if we hadn’t read a post on it.
Flat Pet
This was mom’s favorite thing that she learned about. The original plan was for me to go to BlogPaws but my
Selfie Stick
Mom first saw this on a packing list over at Barking from the Bayou but had no idea what it was. Yes, it seems we have entered a time warp since we moved to the country, but Google came to the rescue. Wow! This was pretty cool we thought. Mom almost never takes selfies — she doesn’t like to be in photos — but on the rare occasion she does, it is hard for her because she has short arms. She thought this was a marvelous idea so, of course, had to order one. Even though she doesn’t like to be in pictures, she knows she will want photos of her with MY blogging pals.
Business card app

Speaking of business cards, what do you think of cartoon me that mom had done for my cards by Nellie’s mom over at The Cat from Hell?
Mom has been to many conferences in the past and knows how many business cards you can collect. She saw the recommendation to bring a whole punch and notebook rings to keep them on over at Irresistible Pets. What a swell idea. Mom also knows, though, that once you are home, those cards rarely if ever make it into your address book. And if they do, what a tedious job. So, with all this technology at hand, mom decided to take it a step farther. She found an app for the iPhone that captures the contact information from business cards which can then be transferred right into your iPhone contacts. In the app itself, it stores a photo of the card and you can even store a photo of the owner with it. It is pretty accurate, but if it misinterprets something, it gives you the opportunity to correct it before you put it into your contacts. And, of course, if you don’t want to put it in your contacts, you can just keep it stored in the app. The app she got is Business Card Reader but there are several.
There is still a lot for me to help mom with to get her on her way, but she is more prepared for this trip early than I have ever seen her. I think she is excited to be going. Please let us know if you’ll be going in the comments. Also, any great tips you have are welcome.
Maybe I’ll see you all in person at the 2016 conference. I wonder where it will be.
Have a great weekend.
Christy Paws
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We’ll be there, and can’t wait to meet you! Teri’s way behind (typical) in packing and may not get the swag bags done that she usually makes and well, probably won’t get around to getting a selfie stick either…but you sound ready!
Mom’s trying to be but there’s still so much to do. She even got her back up power yesterday that she thought she was going without.
Oh, and so looking forward to meeting you too!
We so wish you was comin’ to BlogPaws wiff yous mommy. As wez will purrawlly never get anudder chance to do this again. But we awe furever gwatefull dat weez have da oppurrtunity to go this year. Weez sure hope to meet up wiff yous mommy.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
That’s going to be a busy week for sure ! Have fun at BlogPaws ! Purrs
Thanks for the mention! I can’t wait to see you next week!
Christy we think your Mom is all ready to go and that she’ll have a wonderful time at Blog Paws! WE can’t wait to hear all about it!
You sure are busy! Our Mommy is getting ready, too. However, she did NOT get a selfie stick She’s going to ask people to take a photo when she can. How EMBARRASSING is that??!! We’re busy watching her put clothes in the suitcase and then take them out. And trying on stuff that doesn’t fit. This is exhausting.
Wow, Christy, your mom is really prepared.. Even though our mom went last year, she pretty much flies by the seat of her pants. She does have business cards and also a business card wallet to keep those of others. Everybody will be taking photos and will share with you. She’s not sure you will want to be dragging that selfie stick around with you. Sorry you’ll be staying home. Mom would have liked to meet you, Christy, There will be oodles of woofies there, so your mom probably made the right decision. Your business cards are totally adorable. Mom can’t wait to get one and meet your mom. Please join us for our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Our Mom will be there too. She thanks you for the tip on the business card reader. She had been wondering which one to try..
I can’t wait to meet your human at BlogPaws – and my human is looking forward to meeting your human too!
Oh! Your mommy will be furry busy! Mes sure she will has a good time, but mes also pretty sure that yous is more than happy that yous NOT going!
And they is cute cards!
I love the cartoon of you- so cute 🙂 I hope to go in 2016- and meet you too 🙂
I adore your business cards! Wish we were going…hope your mom has a great time 🙂
Your mom really is organized. Our mom has been to 2 BlogPaws and 1 BarkWorld and has yet to bring flat us. Sheesh. And she still hasn’t organized the business cards that she got 2 years ago! What a lazy human she is!
The mom says the best thing to remember, is bring comfortable clothes and shoes. Now she doesn’t mean sweats and yoga pants, but jeans are acceptable.
The mom is looking forward to meeting your mom. 🙂
She says all she has is comfortable shoes! It looks like she’s stepped the wardrobe up a notch from her usual jeans and tee shirts.
Wow…we know your mom will have buckets of fun with flat you at BlogPaws. Wise idea to have you stay home. Woofies can be intimidating.
WE know she will have a good time at Blog Paws. There will be all kinds of cats there that will be great fun to meet. We think it is a great thing for your Mom to do. You all have a great week end.