Benefits of a Pet Water Fountain
I've been saying for the longest time that I want a water fountain. Ever since mom went to BlogPaws last year and came home telling me about all the cool fountains she saw, I've wanted one. I know how important hydration is for us kitties and how hard it is for some of us to drink enough water. We don't have a problem at my house because we get most of our moisture from our raw food, but clean, fresh water is still so important. Getting kitties to drink is especially important for kitties who eat dry food. I wrote ...

Have You Heard of Whisker Fatigue?
Frankly, my mom hadn't heard much about whisker fatigue, or whisker stress, until she did some research for a post she wrote about kitty whiskers on her Savvy Pet Care blog. If she had asked me, I could have told her all about it. I mean, doesn't it make sense that since our whiskers are very sensitive, that it would be uncomfortable to stuff our face in a small dish to eat? And humans wonder why their kitties ask for more food when the dish is not empty. Humans can be pretty lame sometimes! After mom did the above mentioned ...

Sticking with Delightibles — Wild Country Meat Sticks, That Is!
Disclaimer: As a True Science ambassador, I receive free products and am compensated for sharing information about True Science and its products. My opinions are my own and I only share information that I feel is relevant to my readers. True Science is not responsible for the content of this post. I've really enjoyed being a True Science ambassador for the past few months and getting to sample all of the Delightibles treats. Ever since mom brought home a sample of their Wild Country Meats from BlogPaws this past May, they have been my very favorites, but I'll do just about anything for ANY of the Delightibles. This ...

Do Cats Really Like Fish?
Do cats really like fish? I ask this question because it came up at our house this past week. The answer to this question in our house is, it depends. Mom got us some Primal sardine grind at our local store where she gets our raw meat. Since we love an occasional treat of tuna, she thought we would love this. Ocean dove right into it and licked his plate clean. Echo and I weren't so sure. I licked it a little and Echo (Mr. Picky) just walked away. Now mind you, this was totally different from what we are ...

There’s Something Fishy About These Treats! — #Delightibles
Disclaimer: As a True Science ambassador, I receive free products and am compensated for sharing information about True Science and its products. My opinions are my own and I only share information that I feel is relevant to my readers. True Science is not responsible for the content of this post. When my True Science Ambassador box arrived at the beginning of the month, I had to tell my Facebook friends because I was so excited that I would be able to share a review of my very favorite treats -- Delightibles Wild Country Meats. Now, don't get me wrong. I love the regular Delightibles, you can read ...

How to Avoid a Flea Infestation
Disclaimer: As a True Science ambassador, I receive free products and am compensated for sharing information about True Science and its products. My opinions are my own and I only share information that I feel is relevant to my readers. True Science is not responsible for the content of this post. Have you ever had a flea infestation in your house? Hopefully, your answer is no because fleas are no fun and an infestation is a nightmare. I know because we have had an infestation -- TWICE! How on earth could that happen, you ask. Well, let me tell you. The first infestation started back in the summer ...

Delightibles — Paws Way UP!
Disclaimer: As a True Science ambassador, I receive free products and am compensated for sharing information about True Science and its products. My opinions are my own and I only share information that I feel is relevant to my readers. True Science is not responsible for the content of this post. I was pretty excited a while back when a representative of True Science contacted me and wanted me to be an ambassador. As a company, their mission is to combine the highest quality standards and advanced scientific processes to provide the finest pet products, made in the USA. As an Ambassador, I'll get to tell you about a lot of ...

What IS that thing?
Early last week, a package arrived at our door. Mom brought it in and opened it up. We were about to check out the box when she pulled out another, smaller box. We gave the bigger box a cursory inspection then came back to check out the smaller box. Mom opened the second box and out came a big, round, white object. While mom went out to the garage for something, we checked it out but it didn't smell like anything so we weren't impressed. Mom came back with some things, batteries she said, that she put inside the white thing then set ...