We (cats and mom) are home, home from our exciting RV road trip! We got home just in time for mom to celebrate Thanksgiving with her friends here in the park. She went for Thanksgiving dinner at the clubhouse where I’m sure they had lots of turkey. When she came home, we were so disappointed that she didn’t bring us any! She says she didn’t forget about us but I think she did — she was drinking that bubbly stuff that makes her happy – and perhaps forgetful.
Meowing about happy, we all hope you had the happiest Thanksgiving! Ocean and I did get some treats but NO turkey. What did you do?
Our Fall Road Trip in the RV
We were gone on our road trip for nearly two months (according to mom). Although we like seeing new places, we were very happy to be home. Right away I had to check out all my favorite spots and make sure the potty box hadn’t moved.
If you read my last two posts, you know that during the month of October, we were participating in the Fall KittyCatGo Adventure Challenge. That’s the month we had the most outdoor adventures. During November, mom was trying to catch up from all her sightseeing and wine tasting and still do more sightseeing!
Was Ocean Brave or Naughty on our Road Trip?
November was also a month that Ocean was, in my opinion, a bit naughty. One day, mom accidentally left the screen door open when she went outside. Ocean decided to let himself out to go eat grass. Mom saw him right away but decided to let him enjoy the grass for awhile. Maybe this gave him the idea that his next escapade was acceptable.
When we were in Dripping Springs, Ocean gave mom quite a scare. It was dinner time and dark out. She got our dinner ready and called for Ocean. He is usually under mom’s feet hollering for his food. This night he wasn’t there and didn’t come when mom called. She looked around but quickly came to the conclusion that he was not in the trailer. She opened the door and there he was, staring up at her. Mom knew he had to be out there for quite a while since she hadn’t opened the door since way before dark. Mom loved and loved on him (after he ate) saying how glad she was he didn’t run off.
Ocean went out on lots more walks on his leash but mom didn’t force me to go out. Although I really enjoyed being out on my leash at a few locations, each time we moved to a new location, I was more and more nervous. Mom says we’ll work on it at home where I should feel more comfortable. I hope so because mom already signed us up for the Holiday Adventure Challenge!
Things I Need to Work On
Mom tells me I need to practice riding in the car more but I doubt it will help. I just don’t like being in my carrier in the car. I like being in the trailer but not the car. Every time we drove to a new spot, I complained the whole time. Sometimes, mom would turn the radio up loud and sing along with it. I would join her and sing louder! Finally, she just gave up and let me go solo with my sad yowling.
One of the things we’ll be able to work on indoors is learning a new trick. Mom hasn’t decided yet what it will be but it means TREATS! Did you see the video from our last challenge of Ocean and me doing the tricks we already know? We’ve been doing these for a long time so learning something new should be fun. Do you like doing tricks? For us, it’s the kitty version of trick or treat only it’s trick AND treat.
Time for a Nap
I hope you enjoyed this update of the exciting RV road trip we cats had. Wish me luck, though, friends. Mom is already scheduling the list of Adventure Challenge tasks she wants us to try. In addition, she is planning another RV road trip for spring, which, of course, includes us cats.
Kitty kisses,
Christy Paws
Pingback: Are Cats Naturally Solitary or is it Just Me? - Christy Paws
Sorry I missed this post when you posted it originally. I just read your newsletter. Glad you had a good trip and hope you have another good one.
Practice will make purr-fect…at least we hope so.
Ocean, you were naughty, but you did redeem yourself by patiently waiting for your Mom to open the door for you to get your supper
Enjoy all the preps for the next Road trip./catventure!.
Oh my mouses… You mean to say you were on the road for two whole months? And you SURVIVED? I’m tellin’ you, I’m in the car for like five minutes goin’ to see Dr. T. and I’ve meowed so much my throat is raw. You have to take catnip throat lozenges or whatever they’re called? PURRS
Yes, two whole months! Thankfully, mom only drove for an hour or two at a time. I need to learn more about those catnip throat lozenges!!
That sounds like a great trip, Christy. We are super glad Ocean always stayed close when he got out of the RV. Mom must have been scared!
We bet you will do better the next time you take a trip like this.
Yes, mom said she was really scared for a second when she realized Ocean was outside. At least he was right there when she opened the door and she didn’t have to look for him in the dark!
You guys sure are busy with road trips and adventure challenges! I don’t particularly like driving much myself – I do like flying, though!
I know that you are a very experienced flyer. I’ve never been on an airplane. I wonder if I would be just as unhappy since I’d have to be in my carrier.
It does sound like y’all had a really nice road trip. I’m sure you’ll do much better over time.
Mom says she sure hopes you are right!