I can’t believe it has been over a week since my last post! I just can’t seem to get my typist under control. She keeps telling me there is still so much to do at the new place and that she doesn’t have time to sit down and type for me. She keeps making lists and going shopping but hasn’t brought anything home for us since the new cat tree, unless you count the chicken for our food and more of the new litter she has decided she likes. Fortunately, we like it too.
Another thing that has taken up a lot of her time is cooking! She hasn’t done much of that in quite a long time and she seems to be having a lot of fun with it. We got a new freezer and she said she is working on stocking it up so that some times she can just pull something out quick and easy to fix. Also, the closest fast food is 10 miles away which is neither fast nor practical she says. I just hope she leaves lots of room in the freezer for our food!

Mom really likes this photo of the sun poking through the clouds shining on the trees with the stormy, black sky in the background
I have been saying for some time now that I was going to tell you about our bird TV here. Then it started raining. Mom got new bird feeders but didn’t want to put them up in the rain. It has finally stopped for a few days and she promised she will put them up tomorrow. In the meantime, I have something even better than bird TV to tell you about!
Every morning, as it starts to get light out, mom opens the blinds to our three windows. She always starts in the front and works to the back. Echo is almost always by the back window. When she opened the back blind a couple of days ago, she noticed Echo lean forward and look intently outside so she looked to see what he might be looking at.
To her surprise, there was a deer laying there just as calm as you please. Mom ran to get her camera and took a couple of shots through the window. Then she noticed a second deer partially out of site behind the garage. “It is probably a baby,” she told us. Mom took a couple more photos from the kitchen window. She knew, of course, if she opened the door, they would run off so had to be content with photos through the windows. She really wanted to go out though so she could get a photo of the baby.
After about 10 minutes of us all watching the deer peacefully laying there, Dieter, mom’s friend Kelly’s dog next door, came out and started barking at them. They got up and started moving around so mom started running from one end of the house to the other trying to get more photos. It was almost more fun to watch her than the deer.
The deer seemed confused about how to get out of the yard. The fence on Kelly’s side is 7 feet so, although they can jump that, they kept looking. After all, that barking dog was there too. Our fence is only 4 feet on two sides so they finally went over the lower fence. Mom was bummed she missed them jumping over. Mom has only been here 2 1/2 weeks full time so she said there will probably be many more deer sightings!
I hope the next one is soon!
Christy Paws
Pingback: Spring Flowers on the Deck - Christy Paws
WOW that is amazing!!! I wish there were deer outside my window! –Truffles
Deer TV ! How exciting ! Purrs
What lovely pictures Christy! You look like you are now in the country. If so, you will see many more creatures.
Wow, now that’s some pawsome TV! We get deer in our yard too. The mom gets all excited when she sees them. Us? Not so much.
Well now dat’s purretty cool. Mommy sez hers has lived lots of places and had deer in da yawd. Weez occassionally hav them among many udder wild “beasts” here at ow complex. One of da nice fings ’bout livin’ in rural America.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
guys !! what cha bet they bee long two de dood in red N they iz practice jumpin N stuff for Christmas eve !! ♥♥♥
Wow! Do you think? That would be pawsome.
OMC! Those are the best visitor photos ever! We don’t know what we’d do if we ever saw one of those deers but we know our mom would probably squeal! Purrs….
Deer are so beautiful! Wish we could see them here! I am happy you haven’t posted in a while because for the past few weeks my WP blogs that I subscribe to via email (like yours), had stopped coming. I spent hours last night trying to figure out the problem and I did! You were in our inbox today! YAY! Love, Caren and Cody
Yay! Glad you got that resolved. I saw that it was an issue for you for a while.
We see deer often in our yard – we just love watching them……they’re such beautiful creatures!
Hugs, Sammy and Mom Pam
I hope we see them often too!
You’re so right! That’s even better than watching da birdies… Can we come over to join you? 🙂 xx Roxy & Tigerlino <3
Sure! The more the merrier!
We have deer TV too! It is pretty cool once you get used to it!
That is better than bird tv any day.
Wow’. did you get scared? That is some great tv station you have!
We were a little scared at first. They are pretty big!
How exciting that you get to see deer in your new home.