Sneak Peak — Our First Giveaway


So excited to be part of The Super Sized Pet Blogger Summer Giveaway!

Beginning next Monday, I will be participating in my first giveaway, The Super Sized Pet Blogger Summer Giveaway! There are three SUPER prizes and I am excited to be one of the 24 pet bloggers involved. I thought my first giveaway would be for our big Gotcha Day/Birthday celebration on July 4th, but when I had the opportunity to be part of this exciting event, I pounced on it!

Coming Soon-Pet Blogger GiveawayBe sure to visit me on Monday, June 15th, to see what the great prizes are and to enter for a chance to win.

Wishing you luck!

Christy Paws

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18 Responses to Sneak Peak — Our First Giveaway

  1. Karen says:

    I would like to enter

  2. Clooney says:

    That sounds very exciting!

  3. Annabelle says:

    That sounds SUPER exciting!!!! We can’t wait until Monday.

  4. This sounds pawtastic!

  5. speedyrabbit says:

    oh this is so exciting Christy,xx SPeedy

  6. Sounds eggciting!

  7. How exciting that your first giveaway is going to be such a big one!

  8. Thiss iss berry xcitin Christy…..totallee!!!!
    Wee will pop bye Monday 🙂
    **nose kissess** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  9. We are one of the hosts for this giveaway too! Very exciting!!!

  10. Sammy says:

    Oh boy!!!!! Can’t wait!!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  11. That’s pawsome, Christy ! How exciting ! Purrs

  12. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    guys…way kewl on bein chozen ta participatez in de give a way !!! thatz awesum…. N we bet therz a perch wrapped up in that box !!! ya think 🙂


  13. This is so exciting! Congrats for being included in the giveaway, and we can’t wait to see what the prizes are!

  14. Summer says:

    How exciting!!!

  15. Ellen Pilch says:

    Oh boy, I can’t wait 🙂

  16. Oh Meow Christy dat’s so pawsum. Yous one lucky kitty fur sure. We can’t wait. And we hope we can win. MOL

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  17. We are not lucky with giveaways but we always enter… could we help it. I’m hoping this is applicable to Nellie and us….being Canadian. Monday is Shoko’s Gotcha Day and that would be cool to win.
    Kitty Kisses,

  18. Penelope says:

    Oh! This is EXCITING!!! Mes can’t wait for Monday!