Mom says spring is coming soon and I sure will be glad to see it. You probably know about the big freeze we had here in Texas and I’ll be glad to see more sunshine and heat. If you receive my newsletter (if not, please subscribe), you know all about what happened with us. Thank catness we didn’t have it nearly as bad as folks farther north.
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Mom says even though the plants in our yard look dead, they are telling us to water them and wait and see what happens. It sure will be good if they come back. If not, mom says she will have them all dug out so we can plant new ones. I’m sure they will be much smaller than what we have. I love watching the birds in my side yard sanctuary.
Mom has been filling the feeders and the birds sure have been flocking to them in spite of the dead plants. Did you see her post on the Golden Country Cowgirl Facebook page? They say food is a little scarce since the freeze and it is migration season. All those birds arriving from the south are hungry!!
My garden cart is still sitting in the screened porch in pieces. What is taking her so long to put it together? It doesn’t even look that complicated. She says she’s had a few other priorities but I can’t imagine what is more important than some pawsome catification for me and Ocean. She hasn’t even repotted the herbs yet!
Mom promises that this is on the list to get done this week so I hope to show you photos next time.
The fleas seem to be hatching since it warmed up after the freeze. Is spring here already for them? We always have flea treatment on but sometimes here they just seem to go crazy. They don’t bother me too much but Ocean seems to be a magnet for them. Mom has been spraying insect growth regulator everywhere but that takes a while to make a difference. She finally broke down and is going to spray with some insecticide. She is tired of seeing Ocean chew on himself!
Mom says she is beside herself (how does she do that?) trying to figure out where they come from and why the spot on treatment doesn’t work very well for him. She even changed formulas this last time but it didn’t make a difference.
There are men outside right now and they are spraying water on the house which is making a lot of noise. How can a kitty concentrate with that going on? Mom tells me that it is an important part of maintenance for the house. All the humidity here makes green stuff grow on the walls and roof!
I think that’s about all for now. It’s been pretty quiet but things should be picking up with the better weather and the coming of spring!
Christy Paws
We are glad you did okay, relatively speaking, with the big freeze. That was very scary! We hope the new flea treatment helps Ocean.
Nice to see a post from you. Please tell Ocean his Tooth Fairy Gift should be there tomorrow. XO
I’m glad things weren’t too bad for you guys with the big freeze in Texas! Hopefully that was a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence.