National Feral Cat Day

As an ADVO-cat, I have strong feelings about spay/neuter. I feel it is the only solution to the pet overpopulation problem and the deaths of so many unwanted animals. Today is a special day and I wanted to tell you a little about it in case you haven’t heard of … Continue reading

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Helping Less Adoptable Pets

The celebration of Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week is coming to a close on Saturday, but less adoptable pets need our help all year long. Pets considered less adoptable wait for a forever home many times longer than a cute kitten or puppy. What animals wait the longest? Petfinder conducted a survey and here … Continue reading

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MeoowzResQ Saves Lives

I want to tell you more about the wonderful organization that saved my life as well as the lives of my adopted brothers and sisters. This is what mom has told me about them.

With most people, rescuing sneaks up on you gradually. MeoowzResQ started with one woman, founder Dani Ryan, … Continue reading

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Sunday Selfies: Black is Beautiful

I just read the silliest thing on Facebook. An article in the Birmingham Mail says that now Facebook is responsible for black cats not getting adopted. As if they didn’t already have enough problems! The article goes on to say, “Black cats are said to photograph … Continue reading

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