Wordless Wednesday: Three Cat Night

This Wednesday is a little wordier than most of ours because I wanted to tell you about these photos. It has been a lot colder in the house for the past few days. Mom likes it cold at night so she turns the heat pretty low, but we haven’t had … Continue reading

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Sunday Selfies: Kneady Ocean

I decided to let Ocean do the selfies this week. He has been very needy for the past week or so, spending a lot of time in mom’s lap when I’m not there and following her everywhere she goes. When she’s sitting down, about the only thing I leave her lap for … Continue reading

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Sunday Selfies: Here’s Looking at You!

I actually took this week’s selfie last weekend but mom got so busy we missed both Caturday Art AND Sunday Selfies. I’m really trying to get her more organized but she always has so much to do. Since she is supposed to be semi-retired now and really taking care of herself, … Continue reading

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Sunday Selfies: Almost Missed It

Whoa Nellie! Sunday is almost over and I just reminded mom that she never posted my selfies today. I took them earlier, then mom started cooking and cleaning and doing laundry — well, I’m sure you’ve heard the excuses. Any way, here they are. I took them while I was … Continue reading

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