Catification — One Shelf at a Time

Mom worked on a catification project for us the other day. She put up a shelf. Really? One shelf? She says she does have plans to put up several more shelves for us and I did hear someone say that every journey starts with just one shelf step.

Since she doesn’t have a saw and wanted to make this project as easy as possible for herself, she got pre-made shelves. She said she only got one so she could check out how the size would work for us.

She agonized for days over where to put this shelf. She just couldn’t decide. Now come on. If you are going to put up several shelves eventually, what does it matter where the first one goes? Just put it up already.

I have to say that we already have it pretty good. This is our family/kitty room, office and laundry room. Mom counted and there are no fewer than 12 kitty places, not counting human furniture, in this room alone. And that’s not counting all the shelves on the cat trees, but mom is obsessed with putting up shelves.

Catification -- One Shelf at a Time

Can you find the three of us?

Once she finally decided where to put the shelf, you should have seen her climbing up and down and crawling around on top of the washing machine. I wish I had a picture of THAT! And the words that came out of her mouth… She kept dropping screws (one she never did find) and the tape measure wasn’t very cooperative, but she finally got that thing up.

To make the shelf comfy for us, she used velcro to attach non-slip fabric to it and put my purple bed on it. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

When she finished, she said she was exhausted but she had to put us up on it, one at a time, to see what we thought. I liked it and stayed quite a while. I could see the birds on the feeder all the way at the other end of the room.

Catification -- One Shelf at a TimeEcho liked it too and stayed long enough to take a bath.

Catification -- One Shelf at a Time
Catification -- One Shelf at a Time

Ocean, oh, Ocean. The putz jumped down right away and wouldn’t have anything to do with it. I think he was just Catification -- One Shelf at a Timethinking about eating.

Mom was concerned that she had placed it too high and that we wouldn’t use it on our own. Echo put her worries to rest when she came into the room the next day and he was on the shelf sleeping. And, by the way, she was silly to worry about this. Since cats can leap 5 or 6 times their own height without running, this shelf is easy peasy (I heard that on TV).

Hope you are having an easy day, even though it isn’t Sunday.

Christy Paws

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15 Responses to Catification — One Shelf at a Time

  1. *apawss apawss* to yur Mumma fur puttin up a shelf an furnishin with cozy bed!
    LadyMum iss not good with toolss so mee not askin fur a shelf 😉 Mee just counter surfss now an goess on top of fridge…now to get a bed fur up there! 😉
    **paw patss** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  2. Wow Dat’s so pawsum. We need sum shelves here too. And mommy needs to put ’em as close to da celin’ as pawssible since dat be meez favowit place. MOL Sissy purrfurs lower down, so dat’s why we need a foo. MOL Y’all loook gweat enjoyin’ yous shelf. Hope she gets da udders up soon.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  3. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    guys…way kewl what yur mom did thiz for ewe… tho we questshunz her choice bout puttin de shelve in view oh… BURD….


    high paws N headbonx…ow….two her…her did a grate job !! ♥♥

  4. Very cool! You sure have a great setup there 🙂

  5. Really cool! Mum wants to put up shelves for me and also catify our back garden for me.

    Purrs xx

  6. Penelope says:

    That’s a start! Mes Wants shelves too!

  7. Raven says:

    You’re lucky to have a shelf added to your room. I wonder if you’ll get another (or two) so the three of you never have to wait your turn.

  8. Summer says:

    One shelf down – a bunch more to go! But it does look awesome so far! Your human is off to a good start.

  9. Well, it might have taken her a while but she sure did a pawesome job and just wait til the others go up!

  10. What a cool shelf. Our mom got some shelves for free awhile back and she hasn’t put them up yet. Like your mom, she’s not sure where to put them. Jeez…we say just put them up wherever and us cats will do the rest. 🙂

  11. LP says:

    Your Mama made ours laugh! Ours is also always trying to make the house more “cat friendly” and she drops screws and nails etc, in her many attempts to catify ! But then when she starts counting the beds, scratchers, trees etc. it does seem a bit excessive even to us!! The shelf looks great! Enjoy sweeties 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo

  12. That is too cool!! You have clever staff, Christy! Wanna do a swap? MOL

  13. Ellen Pilch says:

    Your Mom did a great job! I wish I was handy like that. Petco had some cat shelves ( brackets included) on clearance for $2 .